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Documentation Archives

CALC_DENS Building a low-resolution 3D model from high-resolution data 11-6-97

CTF Plotting phase contrast transfer functions on the graphics screen 9-15-88

EMCOR Compute auto- and cross correlation functions 5-26-88

EMCORAVG Correlation averaging program 7-21-87

EMCORORG Helps determine particle origin using cross-correlation 9-3-90

EMFFT Multipurpose FFT array manipulation program 3-5-92

EMICO3DR Produce a 3D map from a set of particle images 2-10-97

EMICOCOR Cross-correlate icosahedral images for scaling 7-3-86

EMICOFV Determine orientation of icosahedral particle 10-2-91

EMICOGRAD Refine the orientations of up to 200 icosahedral particles against each other 9-15-94

EMICOLGFB Produce a 3D map from image data 1-31-97

EMICOMATBG Produce a 3D map from image data 1-31-97

EMICOORG Refines the phase origin of an icosahedral particle 12-17-90

EMICOPFT Computes projections and/or polar Fourier transforms of the projections of a three-dimensional, icosahedral particle reconstruction 5-27-92

EMICOPFTCC Determine q,f,w orientation and x,y origin parameters for images of icosahedral particles 2-19-93

EMICOPFTDSP Display projections and/or polar Fourier transforms of the projections of a three-dimensional, icosahedral particle reconstruction 5-27-92

EMICOPRJ Project icosahedral map normal to 2-fold (Theta=90) 12-11-90

EMICOROT Rotate icosahedral 3D MAP to any equatorial view 12-10-90

EMICOSYM Impose 3-fold on 3D MAP to generate full 532 symmetry 12-10-90

EMIMG General purpose IMAGE manipulations 11-27-89

EMIMGBOX Box image from LEXIDATA; produce IMAGE file 8-17-87

EMIMGCMP Compare two or more IMAGE files of same dimension 11-12-85


EMIMGFFT Compute 2D Fourier transform of IMAGE 11-27-89

EMIMGPOL Converts IMAGE data from a Cartesian to a polar coordinate system 11-12-85

EMIMGRDT Read image from Optronics tape; produce IMAGE file 8-4-85

EMMAP Multipurpose program for examining and/or manipulating 2D or 3D MAP data 5-16-88

EMMAPDSP Display MAP data as grey-level or contour plots on the LEXIDATA 3-31-88

EMMAPPRJ Projects sections of a 3D MAP, in any orientation, to produce a 2D MAP 5-16-86

EMPFTCC Determine q,f,w orientation and x,y origin parameters for images of particles 8-24-93

MBLDSF Model building program which produces a file of structure factor data 11-29-95

ONED Useful for illustrating in one-dimension the principles of diffraction theory 3-10-93

Date Modified: April 1, 2005