Surface Layers/Cell Walls

[General References|
Meeting Abstracts, Newsletters and Bulletins]

General References

Lepault, J. and T. Pitt (1984) Projected structure of unstained, frozen-hydrated T-layer of Bacillus brevis. EMBO J. 3:101-105.

Dickson, M. R., K. H. Downing, W. H. Wu and R. M. Glaeser (1986) Three-dimensional structure of the surface layer protein of aquaspirillum serpens vha determined by electron crystallography. J. Bact. 167:1025-1034.

Rachel, R., V. Jakabowski, H. Tietz, R. Hegerel and W. Baumeister (1986) Projected structure of the surface protein of Deinococcus radiodurans determined to 8Å resolution by cryomicroscopy. Ultramicrosc. 20:305-316.

Guckenberger, R., W. Wiegrabe, A. Hillebrand, T. Hartman, Z. Wang and W. Baumeister (1989) Scanning tunneling microscopy of a hydrated bacterial surface protein. Ultramicrosc. 31:327-332.

Wiegrabe, W., M. Nonnenmacher, R. Guckenberger and O. Wolter (1991) Atomic force microscopy of a hydrated bacterial surface protein. J. Microsc. 163:79-84.

Lembcke, G., W. Baumeister, E. Beckmann and F. Zemlin (1993) Cryo-electron microscopy of the surface protein of Sulfolobus shibatae. Ultramicrosc. 49:397-406.

Meeting Abstracts, Newsletters, Bulletins

Wu, W. H. and R. M. Glaeser (1983) Structural analysis of the surface-layer protein of spirillum serpens by high-resolution electron microscopy. Elec. Microsc. Soc. Am. Proc. 41:738-739.

Lembcke, G. and F. Zemlin (1990). Projected structure of the surface protein of Sulfolobus spec B12 determined to a resolution of 1.0 nm by cryo- electron microscopy. Proc. XII Int'l. Cong. Elec. Microsc. (Seattle) 1:102-103.

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Last edited April 29, 1997